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EaRly WavEs


This season we are launching a collection that redefines denim style with a fresh and edgy twist. Denim, a symbol of freedom, becomes the essence of Early Waves.


YeArs of JeaNs and JackEts

Having been a part of the stories of many of you for sixty years calls for a celebration. Discover the most personal and touching campaign of Lois Jeans.


We came into being in the 60s, an exciting time full of social and cultural changes that deeply shaped our personality. This turned us into a brand committed to its community and everything that goes on around it.

Lois & art

Lois has been involved in the worlds of art, experimentation and creativity since the very beginning. Through the Lois & Art initiative, the brand aims to give a voice to emerging artists.

sergio mora



The strength of female power

Laura Núñez

Filmmaker and film buff of restless mind

José Luis parada

Illustrator, Painter and Airbrush Artist



We’ve added a modern twist without losing sight of our urban essence. For our jeans, we stay true to the feature that has made them famous: the perfect fit for any body type. On top of that, we’re renewing designs and bringing in trendy washed jeans.


Denim is part of our DNA, we were born with it, and it has defined our personality from our origins: urban, cosmopolitan, nonconformist. In this collection, our passion for denim is more apparent than ever.


As every year, we continue to work towards sustainable fashion. A significant part of this collection has been made from recycled or natural materials such as Tencel©, Repreve© polyester (made from PET plastic bottles) and recycled cotton.


Illustrator, Painter and Airbrush Artist

Director and co-founder of Action Art Europe, a school of airbrushing and fine arts.

“Before accepting that I was actually an artist, I wanted to become an investigative journalist to shed light on the truth about humanity and all that it does; to bring some light into the shadows.

I chose to live by learning —and then teaching— how to do things the right way. Realistic illustration led me to explore all manual techniques until I found airbrush illustration, which led me to classical painting.

Worlds, people and universes of different shapes, colours and cultures… eventually they all have the same principles. 25 years later I think I was not mistaken. Art helped me find truth and joy and guided me on the right path. Art gave me everything, and surely, we got along very well and had a lot of fun together”.


The Strength of Female Power

Turkesa is from Zaragoza and is based in Barcelona.

She showed her passion for art when she was very young and since then she has been drawing and improving, both at school and at the School of Arts and Crafts in Zaragoza. While studying there, she met her first mentor and teacher Ignacio Mayayo, for whom she posed from time to time, and began to paint live. At the same time, she began to paint in the streets, starting what would unknowingly become her career as an urban artist.

After moving to Valencia to study Fine Arts at university, which she left and continued intermittently for a decade while travelling, she changed residence and sought experiences that would bring new emotions to her art. She spent years travelling between Sardinia and Spain and then studied photography for a year in London, where she began a full-time career as an artist.

During these years, Turkesa participated in exhibitions in multiple European cities, as well as in international graffiti festivals around the world, trying to make a place in the world for female art, especially in urban areas.

In the early years of her career, her graffiti alias was Rabodiga, a name that comes from her family history, but a few years later she changed it to the current TURKESA.

In 2011 she started tattooing in her partner’s studio, and gradually began to improve her technique. Soon after she won an award at the Barcelona Tattoo Exhibition for best new artist of 2011. Since then she has continued to evolve and create a delicate and painterly personal style.

Currently, Turkesa works as a tattoo artist in Barcelona, ​​and combines it with wall and canvas painting, preparing some solo exhibitions.

Turkesa’s sign has always been female representation, and from the beginning it has evolved as the artist grew. Lately, she is looking for new ways to get away from this feminine figure that, unconsciously, she has repeatedly used as her alter ego and, instead, recreate a sense of femininity from the fight, based on nature and the unknown.

Turkesa’s influences are the most traditional classical paintings and painters. However, what has really inspired this artist is the environment that surrounds her, and the inner world that is able to recreate through her emotions.

Sergio mora


Magicomora is a bold, shocking, mind-altering and colourful kaleidoscope. He was born in Barcelona in 1975, the same city where he graduated (La Llotja), and where he paints, experiments, plays and creates. If we look at the world through his eyes, with a gaze as clean as it is utopian, we would discover a brilliant mythology that mixes icons with which we all identify with fantasy and spectacle, the surprising and the illusory.

Being multidisciplinary artist, his prolific work takes us into subversive, circus-like worlds with beautiful monsters and grotesque fantasies and in all the variants: painting, illustration, video, comic and performance. His personal artistic decalogue and, above all, his pictorial idiosyncrasy has turned him into the greatest exponent of Pop Surrealism in Spain. This has allowed him to exhibit internationally, edit books, publish in several magazines, design for advertising campaigns, as well as take on many other collaborations.

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